Want to customize your lenses? No problem.
Your optician can help you.

Show your optician or optometrist the guide for opticians delivered with your Fauna Audio Glasses or download it here. They will provide you with a quotation for your individualized lenses.

Natural blue light vs. artificial blue light

Blue-violet light also exists in nature. And for a good reason, as it regulates our circadian rhythm. It is the over-exposure indoors where we usually don’t wear protective sunglasses that poses a problem for us.

Blue light is important …

it regulates our circadian rhythm (day-night rhythm)
There is a body of evidence to suggest that blue light in the spectrum between 400 and 520 nm with a maximum at 460 nm is important for the proper regulation of melatonin in the body, which influences circadian rhythms (day-night rhythm) and general well-being.

… but can also be a potential health risk.

it increases the risk of macular degeneration
On the other hand, there is a body of evidence to suggest that long-term exposure to blue-violet light below 460 nm, with a maximum at 440 nm, may contribute to photochemical damage of the retina, increasing the risk of macular degeneration over time (known as the ‘blue light hazard’).